Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Leave your myth in Greece
Δήλωσα ότι δε βγαίνω από το σπίτι μέχρι την άνοιξη, αλλά το Σάββατο πάω Θεσσαλονίκη για ένα μήνα μέχρι και την ορκομωσία:)
Κατά τα άλλα, το ζεστό μπάνιο και κουζίνα, το φαγητό, το ζεστό νερό για πλύσιμο πιάτων και άλλες τέτοιες πολυτέλειες γλύκαναν την επιστροφή μου!
Πρώτη εικόνα στο Ελ. Βενιζέλος στον έλεγχο διαβατηρίων αστυνομικός να ρωτάει δυνατά και επιδεικτικά σε αλλοδαπό "Πού μένεις; Δεν ξέρεις που μένεις;" Λες και ήταν το σκουλίκι του...Ο πληθυντικός ευγενείας δεν ισχύει για τους αλλοδαπούς, λέει η γραμματική του Τριανταφυλλίδη.Τα παίρνω εγώ, και βιδωμένη περιμένω τη σειρά μου, έτοιμη να τον ρωτήσω για ποιό λόγο μιλάει στον πληθυντικό σε εμένα, και όχι στον κύριο.Ώσπου φωνάζει ένας άλλος αστυνομικός "Έλα παιδιά όλοι οι έλληνες από εδώ!"Κιτς κιτς κιτς τα ζούδια...
Welcome to Greece, live your myth!Ή μάλλον leave your myth behind you, γιατί εδώ δε θα σου χρειαστεί.Μην πληρώνεις τζάμπα υπέρβαρο!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Day #5 & 6: Langkawi island
I cannot really speak about Langkawi island, as a whole because we haven’t been moving around almost at all. The place where we are staying is quite green, with a sandy big beach just 2 minutes far from our room. The beach itself is very nice and with some palm- trees, which give the exotic feeling that they should give. The water is light blue, warm but not very transparent, compared to the greek sea I am used to. But what is the best part is that the beach is huge and there are hardly any people there! I don’t know when it is high season in Malaysia, because the climate is steady every month of the year between 23-32 degrees every day! It is a paradise really…The temperature is exactly as it should be, for a Greek at least!
First day we spent here it was split into two halves for me. Half on the beach and half with my laptop, working. Natasha on the other hand stayed at the beach almost all day and is already tanned. Today we have been island hopping! This means that we were on a small boat that drove us for 4 hours around the island and to a sweet water lake. It has been great to get an idea of how green the island is and see eagles and monkeys so close to us! We also met some people from Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Malaysia and China and it was fun. There is not a lot to say, as things happen and I forget about them after that. Time flies and we will leave this island tomorrow morning to head to KL. We will be travelling more or less all day and I am flying back to Greece at 04.00am.
There are two small things I want to share before I close the Malaysia post session. The first is concerning swimming suit. It has been difficult to find a swimming suit in China, and I thought that it was normal since we were leaving quite far from the beach and experiencing the coldest winter for the last 50 years. So this was my main concern as soon as we landed in Malaysia. I haven’t found anything in Kuala Lumpur, and I thought that it is OK because it was again far from the sea. I was pretty confident that I will find in Langkawi, which is supposed to be extremely popular among Westerners. BUT…there is always a big but in Asia! We are in a country, where around 60% of the population is Muslims. And the shop owners are mostly Muslims….so in the place where we are I only found swimming suit with normal top and little skirt for the lower part. I couldn’t imagine myself wondering around with skirty swimming suit with flowers so I bought some shorts and I am bathing in them and with my T-shirts. Really not wyloozka style, if you know what I mean (wyloozka means cool in Polish, it is an expression we were using there!) And I am sorry, but I just have to say that…They are too conservative to be selling swimming suits for women but they have an incredible variety of condoms and lubricants, as you can see in the picture. I mean both me and Natasha have never seen most of the stuff they are selling here. What can I say about this Muslim Malaysians?!Me with my not-so-stylish swimming suit
The variety I was speaking about....You see only one third of the available products.
The second “thing” I want to share with you is actually literally a thing. It is called Durian and it is by far the most popular fruit in Malaysia, by Malaysians though!!The reason for that is that it smells like hell…Do you know how French cheese smells? Pick up the three smelliest, put them together and you get Durian smell! We, that is to say the Balkan girls, felt brave enough to try it today. We went at the fruit shop and bought one. I have a video of the girl preparing it for us. It is supposed to smell hell but taste heaven. There, we met some cool German guys, who were already experienced with Malaysian fruits and they made us try some, which were great! And one of them also gave us an important info! He said that we shouldn’t drink any alcohol, when eating Durian because we might even die!!!!Imagine that! No one has mentioned anything about that to us! And we wanted to buy a couple of beers for dinner. And here is the difference between Greeks and Croats: Me, I thought “Well, then OK we will not drink tonight”, whereas the addicted Croatian lady said “OK! Then Durian is for breakfast!” The ones who know us both, will know what I mean I suppose. So…more news about Durian next time that I will log in. We even though that the guy was exaggerating and asked a local who was shocked by the question and answered…:”No no no alcohol!” Now seriously, someone should tell the locals in the fruit stores to inform tourists if it indeed is so dangerous. I have to check online to find out more.
The fruit in the front is Durian!
Enjoy the photos and don’t be too jealous! Malaysia is not that far from Europe, there are cheap flights here (around 600 euros, I suppose) and I have spent 160 euros for a week here, including accommodation, buses, ferrys, taxis, food. It is a great country to visit and an incredible feeling to be bathing in exotic beaches during February, while exploring Islamic, Chinese and Indian culture and cuisine at the same time!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Day #4: Travelling

I will try to upload some pictures of the beach before we leave this place on Thursday morning. It feels so nice to be at the beach with 30 degrees in February:)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Day #3:Melacca
I am really short on time because our bus for the Langkawi island in the north leaves in 30 minutes. Melacca was great, we have stayed in the best hostel I could dream off and only with 2,4 euros per person for double room! I will write more, if I find internet during the next days.

Working at the hostel
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Kuala Lumpur: day #2

Friday, February 8, 2008
Kuala Lumpur:day 1
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Κι έζησαν αυτοί καλά...
Απόψε μπαίνει το κινεζικό νέο έτος. Έχει ήδη σουρουπώσει και έξω από το παραθυρό μου σκάνε συνέχεια πυροτεχνήματα, ήδη από το πρωί. Αύριο πρέπει να κάνω βαλίτσες και δε θέλω. Νομίζω πως φεύγω την καλύτερη στιγμή, παρ΄ όλα αυτά στεναχωριέμαι κυρίως για τους φίλους που έκανα εδώ.
Τα καλά νέα των ημερών είναι πως παίρνω πτυχίο το Μάρτιο, αφού κατάφερα να τελειώσω την διπλωματική όσο ήμουν εδώ. Τέλος καλό, όλα καλά λοιπόν! Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενη..
Όσο για το blog, νομίζω πως θα γράψω κανένα δυο post ακόμα για το Πεκίνο και μάλλον και για το Κινεζικό Νέο Έτος, αφού υποψιάζομαι πως όλο και κάτι απίθανο μας επιφυλλάσουν οι δύο τελευταίες μέρες στην Κίνα. Και τέλος, αν έχω καλό Ιντερνετ στη Μαλαισία, θα γράψω κάτι και από εκεί όχι για να δείτε φωτογραφίες από εξωτικές παραλίες και τροπικά δάση, αλλά για να δείτε εμένα εκεί με μαγιώ να το απολαμβάνω, μετά από 4 μήνες γκρίνιας για τις αντίξοες συνθήκες διαβίωσης στην Κίνα! Σας φιλώ και ευχαριστώ για την παρέα και τα σχόλια:)
This is probably my last post from China, as I am flying back on Friday. Before reaching Greece, I will make a short stop for a week in Malaysia!I am gonna try to upload some photos of me and Natasha in the beach, drinking cocktails! I think we deserve it, after successfully facing the coldest winter in China for the last 50 years.
Tonight is the New Year's Eve for China, the fireworks out of my window don't stop since the morning and I somehow have the feeling that the last two days in Hangzhou will be worth writing another post.
I feel that I am leaving just on the right moment, but feel sad nevertheless. I guess, that's how it always has to be...
PS.I am finally getting my diploma on March!Whooooohooooo.....