Chinglish is a term refering to the English spoken in China!That is to say, to the rare cases of Chinese people who do speak English. Apparently, I am not a native speaker to be judging others about their English! And it is normal that everyone has an accent and an approach to the language that is dependent on their mother tongue. Chinese is special though!They are used to be speaking using syllables so they are separating each word in several sounds, like ne- xt for next loo- ka for look goo- da for good and so on. I have to admit though, that their pronunciation in the words is flawless, as in their language pronunciation is extremely important. The other big difference is the way they choose the words to use for what they want to express. Chinese speak non literal, they rarely say no and you have to really apply the "Read between the lines" to understand what they want to say. And this is incredibly reflected in their speaking!

Here is a sample of funny or cute signs that has been gather only during the last 10 days!Around half of the signs in the streets are uncomprehensively translated to English! One of the ones I didn't make a photo of is the one written on the machine for drinking water on our floor. It is written "Drink the water machine!"Every time I go there to fill in some water, I am laughing!
Ελπίζω πως δεν είστε πολλοί αυτοί που δε μιλάτε αγγλικά. Νομίζω πως δεν έχει νόημα να μεταφράσω στα ελληνικά ένα post που αφορά τα αγγλικά των Κινέζων.
In the ski center, they didn't know how to write ski!
Careful landslip(we think it means, be careful because the floor is slippery(is there such a word?!) )
Outside from a parking area, no idea what has fire and climbing to do with that!And some cute ones:
Please do not hurt me, I am beautiful!
Let is grow up in a green world:)

1 comment:
Geia sou Elpida!As epistrepsw sto sxoliasmo mou giati mesw skype den nomizw na mporesoume na ta poume suntoma! duo pragmata ithela na sou pw:
1)piga xtes sto maastricht pou eixe karnabalia kai thimithika pou eixame paei kai mazi prin duo xronia! Eida kai tin pitsaria kai to kafe pou kathisame!
2)mas eklepsan ton kado skoupidiwn tou spitiou.....les na einai o kinezos geitonas????
Filakiaaaaaaaaa :)
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