Today has been a big sight-seeing day. We spent last night online, trying to figure out where to go and what to do during a week in Malaysia. As a result, we woke up quite late (both me and Natasha are sleep-lovers and our combination is not the best for mornings). I forgot to mention that the hostel provides no upper sheets or blankets, so when we woke up in the morning I was covered with my jacket and wearing the "batman" (for the ons who know what it is) and Natasha was covered with a yellow big towel!

We hit the road and walked for around 8 hours, exploring the city centre and enjoying a very different city and reality than what we have seen till know. We have seen lots of interesting sy-scrapers, had a tour in a tropical forest inside the city, climbed the TV tower(4th tallest tower in the world)...The most interesting thing I felt today is the multiculturality of this city and country. I was yesterday impressed by the strong muslim element in the city. But today I found even more interesting the fact that the population of the country is Malay, who are usually Muslims but also can follow other religions, Chinese who are a lot and most follow Budhism, Indians and some others. So this is a city where you can find Islam, Budhist moncques(?!dont know how to write that...Miloooooosh:P help!), Chinese traditional lamps and shops everywhere, Indians with their traditional clothes and Western architecture and lifestyle! Really an incredible mix!

The attempt of finding tickets to move in other places has been quite stressy, almost as a cultural shock!We entered the main bus station, where we for quite some time were convinced that we wouldn't be able to leave Kuala Lumpur at all. There were around a hundred little offices, each one selling tickets, lots of people everywhere and everybody telling us that there are no more tickets for the next 3-4 days. With a bit of luck and effort we did manage to figure something out, so we are leaving tomorrow morning for Melaka (also written Malacca, but as a greek decided to use the first version:P), which is 2hours on the south and is supposed to be the cultural center of Malaysia. We will spend one night there and then depart for Lankawi on the very North, which is supposed to have the best beaches. 

I am excited but at the same time pressed, because I have to be finding time and energy to work and I am now at the last very critical point of my thesis. Greece is approaching fast, and everything will soon get back to normal. Today I have been working at the lounge of the hostel, which was extremely decadent and hot, with travellers around me coming and going, speaking, watching movies etc. It has been quite soureal(also dont know how to write this....my english is getting worse and worse)!
Elpidaki diavazontas tis istories sou apo tin kuala lumpur (akoma den mporw na to xwnepsw to onoma!!!) exw mia aporia.....les sto telos oti se ligo epitrefeis stin ellada kai pla tha einai back to normal.....ma ti einai pleon normal gia sena??? Aaaaxxxx planasai elpidaki...kai stin ellada potilismiko sok tha patheis meta apo toso kairo pou leipeis kai toso diaforetika pragmata pou exeis zisei! Oi peripeteies....sunexizontai! hihi! :D
hahahaha... i see you're having a great time there!
keep on the good work and, for christs' sake, for once do not worry about the thesis - just relax and let yourself go with the flow (of the Sun&Sea&Sand)...
btw, it's MONKS (if you were thinking of the guys in yellowish-orange clothes, singing mantras with rosaries in their hands) and SURREAL... (ooups, i forgot to say "You know: M-O-N-K-S - monks!" :P :D
the envy grows each day, but i forgot about it for a while when i discovered the most beautiful thing in HZ today - the Vista of the city from the Baoshi Hill (the one on the North of the Lake) it is surreal, i will surely take natasha there once she returns... as for you... well, i gues we'll have to come to HZ again some other time to enjoy the view
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